Selected Poems

Read Online
“For My Boy in the Garden with Variants of Uncertain Significance” – The Maine Review Environs Prize Second Place Finalist

“Vilomah” –– Tupelo Quarterly Poetry Prize Finalist

“Late Spring Epiphany after the Georgia O’Keeffe Exhibit” and “Showering My Son”The Adroit Journal
2024 Djanikian Scholar in Poetry

“5.5 Shiley Long” and “Showering My Son”medmic: Conversations, Culture & Creativity from the Health Care Community (reprinted from Beloit Poetry Journal)

“For Charlie in His Wheelchair by the Evening Window” SWWIM Every Day
(nominated for the Best Spiritual Literature anthology and the Nina Riggs Poetry Award from Cave Wall Press)

“Still Life with Milkweed”Rust & Moth

“Weather Report”Alaska Quarterly Review

“Bound for Glory”Rattle: Ekphrastic Challenge Editor’s Choice

“Fig Tree”Psaltery & Lyre

“Wrestling the Angel”Psaltery & Lyre

“Doing the Math” West Trestle Review

Interview with Jane Newkirk, poetry editor of medmic: conversations, culture & creativity from the healthcare community

“My Love Increase My Bewilderment”West Trade Review

“Ghost Writer”Tahoma Literary Review, SoundCloud

Read in Print
“Showering My Son” – Best New Poets 2023 from University of Virginia Press

“5.5 Shiley Long,” “Showering My Son” and “Just This Evening”– Beloit Poetry Journal

“Because I’m Sagittarius” – Poetry Northwest

“Watering the Houseplants During Covid,” “About the Mother of All Time and Children,”
and “This Is April” – december

“Ode to My Father with His Buck Knife” – Southern Poetry Review

“Sorrow Chaser” and “Periodic Syntax” – Nimrod International Journal: Body Language Issue

“Breakdown, It’s Alright” – Catamaran Literary Reader

“After Your Call” – San Pedro River Review

“Ode to the Beet” (nominated for a Pushcart Prize) and
“The Present Participle Gives Instructions on the Continuous Tense” – Connecticut River Review

“Wolf Moon” – Crab Creek Review, Poetry Prize Finalist

“Credence Clearwater Revival” – San Diego Poetry Annual, Honorable Mention Steve Kowit Prize 2020